Social Media Marketing Full Course

Social Media Marketing   Full Course

 Social Media Marketing   Full Course

the world we live in now it's highly digital place but that wasn't always the case until four years ago so if we rewind letting people know about your products was a little harder then so even if you go back say five or ten years promoting your products wasn't as easy as it is today i mean people had to resort to you know good old-fashioned newspapers putting in an ad or those big thick books called the yellow pages that usually sat in your closet and wait a ton i mean those were the ways to get

your product and message out there a lot of advertising in those yellow pages then you have billboards you know driving down the you see that billboard on the side of the road you wonder who are those people that are actually advertising this stuff of course you have television that's been around for decades a good source of advertising but costly and then facts fax ads uncommonly known way to advertise by the way who has faxes now but people did advertise vfx just a few decades ago so these were all the ways

in which people had to get their product and service out there it seems like so archaic looking at it now but back then that was legitimate that was the way to do it and then one thing made our lives a lot easier so if you're a marketer you're thinking yourself man i'm glad i'm a marketer in today's day and age because it's social media marketing social media marketing has made everyone's lives better from the company that's selling the product or service to the marketer promoting the product and

service to the end user who wants to see that product or service and engage with that product or service so social media is a good source of getting your product and service out there and it just makes everybody's lives a heck of a lot easier so we're gonna answer that million dollar question and what's that million dollar question it's how can you rise above the rest and so today's session is going to be how to start with social media marketing so you can rise above the rest leveraging this great platform

that we all take advantage of today so let's start by asking the question what is social media marketing social media marketing involves increasing website traffic it centers around engagement it offers you the ability to increase your brand awareness and it has other marketing goals you know so you can create various forms of content for different social media platforms so that's really in a nutshell with social media marketing so again if we want to increase our traffic or we want to increase our engagement like likes or

comments then look no further than social media marketing if we want to engage with our users our customers our potential and prospective customers we can really put a personalized experience in place using social media marketing we want to create different forms of content like videos and blogs and infographics and other types of graphics with the potential to actually go viral and what we mean by viral is spreading like wildfire one user sending it to another as rapidly as can be and before you know it you get you know millions of

views and millions of likes i mean that's the power of social media marketing so why do we want to do social media marketing and i think we just answered some of those questions but let's dig a little bit deeper we mentioned in our definition of social media marketing that we have the opportunity to really build our brand awareness and that is no more truthful than with social media marketing more so than any other digital marketing channel social media marketing allows us to really put our brand in a good light in a good

position in front of the right eyeballs so it allows us to really improve our brand by pushing out the appropriate content in front of the appropriate people social media is a great channel for that we can look to conversion rate so if we are pushing a product and service in front of the right eyeballs and we are building up a funnel of prospective customers who then turn into customers who then turn into loyal customers who then turn into lifetime customers we could see it every step in the process that our conversion rates

may increase we can certainly leverage social media marketing for seo for search engine rankings it's about off-page seo it's about posting content on social media platforms to build up some link juice okay so there is some inherent benefits to working seo and social media side by side it's cost effective well if you're posting content on twitter or facebook it doesn't cost you anything it just takes a little bit of time and creativity now if you want to go ahead and do some advertising on

these platforms yes it's gonna cost you but you'd be surprised not gonna be as costly as say other search platforms like say google or bing where you're actually paying for keywords and paying per click for those keywords so social media marketing can be very cost effective and then increase top funnel traffic so it goes all the way back to brand experience and brand awareness if you're putting yourself in position to get seen by your target audience okay your target audience goes from seeing

your brand for the first time to getting to know your brand a little bit more to maybe buying a product or service from your brand then returning to buy another product and service and then continuing to buy that product or service i mean that's increasing the top funnel traffic and not just the traffic but the conversions so at every step in the process social media allows you to build that funnel depending on where somebody is whether they're seeing your brand for the first time or actually returning to purchase the product or

service again so that's the inherent benefit these are the inherent benefits of social media marketing now we talk about social media marketing what are the channels used for social media marketing how can we use them it's really social media marketing is a channel in itself so let's take a look at the platforms involved with social media marketing now there are some really popular platforms so if you can't tell just buy these logos then you probably have not used social media marketing or social media platforms

before or taken part in social media at all but you know one would like to think that the majority of your users out there today know what facebook is what the logo looks like what it does same with instagram which is owned by facebook linkedin b2b platform it's youtube great very popular video sharing platform and then twitter which is considered microblogging but still social media so these are the most popular popular platforms out there but there are hundreds of social media platforms in fact when we talk about

social media marketing it can be anything from microblogging to video sharing like youtube to b2b networks like linkedin to say bookmarking sites like stumbled upon content sharing sites like reddit q and a sites like cora so there's plenty of different types of social media platforms out there in fact if you folks have any popular or you think valid social media platforms that these listeners here should really get to know and understand and use then go ahead and put that in the comments section underneath this video i'm always

interested in knowing what social media platforms are out there and what people are using how platforms are trending what's popular what's not and ideally as a digital marketer where my target audience is so these are the most common but there are hundreds out there hundreds so let's talk about the most popular social media platform and that's facebook so facebook has an average of 2.

27 billion monthly active users now that number is fluctuating because we're talking about billions billions billions of monthly active users and that number is probably trending up 88 of all users are on mobile so what does that tell you that tells you that facebook has an app and the app is very popular in fact i tend to use the app more than i use the web page for facebook okay so i don't necessarily log on via the internet on my laptop i go right to the app it's just easier easier to disseminate information easier to add friends
